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  6. : Como substituir o óleo do motor no Datsun Go.

Datsun Go - tutorial em vídeo

Modelo: Datsun Go MK 1 - Anos 2013-2022
Parte: Óleo do motor
Operação: Como substituir o óleo do motor no Datsun Go.

Do you want to replace the engine oil and oil filter on this car model? In the description below, we will find all the steps and instructions to follow to carry out the replacement, and we can also use the video for help. Open the engine hood and lift the car, locate the oil drain plug under the oil pan. Then unscrew the plug and position a container to collect the oil on the ground. Next, locate the oil filter and unscrew it with the appropriate wrench. Take the new filter and screw it back in after replacing the gasket. From the top of the engine compartment, proceed to fill the circuit with the new lubricant.

Publicado em 2 June 2023 by ScegliAuto

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Assista ao vídeo!

by ScegliAuto

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