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Frequently asked questions about cars and motorcycles
How often does the Škoda Kamiq natural gas vehicle need to be serviced?
Answer: The maintenance service for the Škoda Kamiq methane model must be carried out following the information provided in the car's user manual: for this mo... read all

Posted on 31-03-2023
How much is the coupon for the Skoda Kamiq?
Answer: The regular coupon of your Skoda Kamiq should preferably be carried out at an authorized Skoda center and has a total cost of around 125 euros. This f... read all

Posted on 19-02-2023
What is the cost of the coupon for the natural gas Skoda Kamiq?
Answer: The cost of the coupon for the natural gas Skoda Kamiq is around 180 euros and includes both spare parts and labor in the workshop. To do the coupon y... read all

Posted on 22-12-2022
What does the EPC warning light indicate in the Skoda Kamiq?
Answer: In the Skoda Kamiq, the EPC warning light refers to the electronic throttle management system and its ignition indicates its failure. It is therefore ... read all

Posted on 27-09-2022
How often is the Skoda Kamiq serviced?
Answer: For the Skoda Kamiq the coupons are scheduled every two years or every 30,000km. The only exception is the first service which must be carried out at ... read all

Posted on 19-08-2022

See also