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  1. Motorcycles
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  3. Husqvarna
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  5. Svartpilen 401
  6. : How to replace the coolant of the Husqvarna Svartpilen 401

Model: Husqvarna Svartpilen 401
Part: Antifreeze liquid
How to replace the coolant of the Husqvarna Svartpilen 401

Below we will see the instructions that will allow us to disassemble the drainage and the subsequent topping up of the coolant of the Husqvarna Svartpilen 401 motorcycle, but also of the Vitpilen. First, we put the motorcycle on the stand and start unscrewing the drain screw that we find on the water pump housing; let the fluid drain into a container for about ten minutes. At this point, we unscrew the radiator cap and top up with the new antifreeze coolant, suitable for our radiator; fill up to reach the maximum level, then start the engine!

Posted on 25 February 2024 by ScegliAuto

How do I remove the fuel tank of a Triumph Tiger 800 XC?

In order to remove the tank of the Triumph Tiger 800 XC you must first loosen the screws that are located immediately under the steering wheel. Other screws to loosen will be on the front of the fairing, immediately on the sides and under the headlight. This will allow you to remove the front fairing; then it will be necessary to remove the side fairings, loosening the corresponding bolts and the same operation must be carried out for the saddle. When all these parts have been removed, it will be possible to loosen the screws that secure the tank and remove it from its housing after having disconnected the connectors.

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by ScegliAuto

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