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Replacing the timing belt on a Fiat 600

Model: Fiat Seicento MK 1 - Years 1998-2010
Part: Timing belt

Let's get ready to replace the timing belt on a Fiat 600. We lift the car on a column bridge; we remove the front wheel, and the right wheel rocker. Once these operations have been carried out, we remove the belt cover panel (we remove the sensor). With a suitable fixed wrench we loosen the second belt tensioner and remove the belt from its seat. After having mounted the new belt, with a fixed wrench we go to assemble the belt tensioner roller, we stretch until we have the right belt tension (we assemble the two belts). Finally we check the belt tensioner and the belt itself, we tighten everything with the socket wrench.

Posted on 26 November 2023 by ScegliAuto

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by ScegliAuto

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